Saturday, May 31, 2008

Grandad Samuel


My dear old Grandad
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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A Holiday in Jersey


This muzzy old photo was taken in Jersey while on holiday there in 1948. What luxury there was for sale on that lovely island. The UK was still rather drab as far as luxury items went. I bought my first pair of nylon stockings in Jersey. Another purchase was a pair of shoes, also a handbag. Many people were buying fur boots. My pocket was not sufficiently full to buy those. Anyone who has not lived through that time will not be able to imagine the intense pleasure of sitting down in a milk bar and drinking a cup of coffee with a large helping of thick cream floating on the top. There were films everywhere so we took endless numbers of photos. Buses took us to the beautiful bays. The sun shone and on the day we regretfully caught the boat home the early morning sky over the island was a golden glow. I said to myself then that I would never go to Jersey again. Never could a holiday there beat the wonder of that fortnight in 1948. So far I have kept that pledge.
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Saturday, May 24, 2008

This is Joe's greenhouse which he had for his birthday. His seedlings are coming on very well. We hope to have a good crop of tomatoes later, all being well.
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Thursday, May 22, 2008

Our Old Tree

This is the old conifer which had to be felled last Autumn

Thursday, May 08, 2008

The Open Road

What I feel like doing at the moment is going over the hills and far away. The sun is shining, absolutely perfcct weather. Unbelievable!! I hope that tomorrow brings more of the same.
The North Country beckons me. Another visit to Cumbria and then on to Yorkshire. From there on to Northumberland with maybe another visit to Holy Island and also Bede’s World which we visited when it had not been open for long. Yes! The North definitely beckons. Then it’s not far on to Scotland.
Also, being an Essex girl, that county has its memories. It always pulls me and deserves a visit.
Can we manage all this? Very unlikely, I should think, but one never knows. Part of it, yes.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Yum yum

This apple tree has a lots of blossom this year. I hope it will have a great many apples.
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