Wednesday, January 14, 2009


This is a collage of many of my Hampshire relatives taken a long time ago.
I had lovely holidays in Hampshire in pre war years when I was a lttle girl. I
am shading my eyes in the front row of the big group photo. It was just a walk
down a country lane to the sea. What a long time ago that was. Where has the
time gone?
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Friday, January 09, 2009

January Bird Table

January Bird Table

Black shadows in surrounding trees
Wait for the provider on January mornings,
For one who holds a few of the keys
To avian winter survival.

Water, seeds, nuts and fat,
Bread if it’s brown and crumbs of cake,
Break the ice, shoo the cat,
First of jobs on a January morning.

A blackbird flies to the apple basket,
Pecks and pecks again and again,
The sweetness of summer it’s her task to eat,
To carry her on to vernal survival.

As dusk descends I hope they’re full,
Warm for the night, fluffed on their roosts.
Waiting for morning and the golden jewels
Flaming above the horizon, their signal for flight.