Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A bird box


Here is a bird box which Joe put in the woodland at the end of our garden. It is a bit late for nesting this year but maybe some very small mammal may hibernate in it next winter. There is a fox in this wood. She has two cubs, quite big now. They sometimes come in the garden. I like to see them although they do sometimes make holes in the lawn to the annoyance of Joe. There are always squirrels. They also come in the garden, of course, looking on the bird table to see if there are any tasty titbits. The only animals I am not very fond of are rats. The only ones I see are dead ones that other animals sometimes kill and leave on the lawn. I heard some expert of some sort say on the radio that in London we are never more than ten feet from a rat. That thought makes me shudder although the poor old rats cannot help what they are. I think I shall now go downstairs, make some tea and take it in the garden. If it is too cool there I shall go in the conservatory where it will probably be too hot. There's no pleasing me, is there!!
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